This is the most complete handbook on the quantum theory of angular momentum. Containing basic definitions and theorems as well as relations, tables of formula and numerical tables which are essential for applications to many physical problems, the book is useful for specialists in nuclear and particle physics, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, plasma physics, collision and reaction theory, quantum chemistry, etc. The authors take pains to write many formulae in different coordinate systems thus providing users with added ease in consulting this book. Each chapter opens with a comprehensive list of its contents to ease the search for any information needed later. New results relating to different aspects of the angular momentum thoery are also included. Containing close to 500 pages this book also gathers together many useful formulae besides those related to angular momentum. The book also compares different notations used by previous authors.
Description: This is the most complete handbook on the quantum theory of angular momentum. Containing basic definitions and theorems as well as relations, tables of formula and numerical tables which are essential for applications to many physical problems, the book is useful for specialists in nuclear and particle physics, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, plasma physics, collision and reaction theory, quantum chemistry, etc. The authors take pains to write many formulae in different coordinate systems thus providing users with added ease in consulting this book. Each chapter opens with a comprehensive list of its contents to ease the search for any information needed later. New results relating to different aspects of the angular momentum thoery are also included. Containing close to 500 pages this book also gathers together many useful formulae besides those related to angular momentum. The book also compares different notations used by previous authors.
Varshalovich Quantum Theory Of Angular Momentum.pdf
Angular momentum theory is presented from the viewpoint of the group SU(1) of unimodular unitary matrices of order two. This is the basic quantum mechanical rotation group for implementing the consequences of rotational symmetry into isolated complex physical systems, and gives the structure of the angular momentum multiplets of such systems. This entails the study of representation functions of SU(2), the Lie algebra of SU(2) and copies thereof, and the associated Wigner-Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Racah coefficients, and 1n-j coefficients, with an almost boundless set of inter-relations, and presentations of the associated conceptual framework. The relationship to the rotation group in physical 3-space is given in detail. Formulas are often given in a compendium format with brief introductions on their physical and mathematical content. A special effort is made to inter-relate the material to the special functions of mathematics and to the combinatorial foundations of the subject.
This contribution on angular momentum theory is dedicated to Lawrence C. Biedenharn, whose tireless and continuing efforts in bringing understanding and structure to this complex subject is everywhere imprinted.
Author's note. It is quite impossible to attribute credits fairly in this subject because of its diverse origins across all areas of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Any attempt to do so would likely be as misleading as it is informative. Most of the material is rooted in the very foundations of quantum theory itself, and the physical problems it addresses, making it still more difficult to assess unambiguous credit of ideas. Pragmatically, there is also the problem of confidence in the detailed correctness of complicated relationships, which prejudices one to cite those relationships personally checked. This accounts for the heavy use of formulas from [2.1], which is, by far, the most often used source. But most of that material itself is derived from other primary sources, and an inadequate attempt was made there to indicate the broad base of origins. While one might expect to find in a reference book a comprehensive list of credits for most of the formulas, it has been necessary to weigh the relative merits of presenting a mature subject from a viewpoint of conceptual unity versus credits for individual contributions. The first position was adopted. Nonetheless, there is an obligation to indicate the origins of a subject, noting those works that have been most influential in its developments. The list of textbooks and seminal articles given in the references is intended to serve this purpose, however inadequately. 2ff7e9595c